Warna Dark Beige. It can be considered a dark tone of red with some slight purple tints This color represents the hue of an average garnet gemstone though garnets can range in color from orange to (very rarely) green Garnet is the birthstone for those born in January Rose ebony Rose ebony Color coordinates Hex triplet #674846 sRGB B (r g b) (103 72 70) HSV (h s v) (4° 32% 40%).
Indian Ethnic Beige Gold Indo Western Outfit Jodhpuri Achkan Etsy from etsy.com
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Shades of red Wikipedia
Buff (latin bubalinus) is a light brownish yellow ochreous colour typical of buff leather Buff is a mixture of yellow ochre and white two parts of white lead and one part of yellow ochre produces a good buff or white lead may be tinted with French ochre alone As an RYB quaternary colour it is the colour produced by an equal mix of the tertiary colours citron and russet.
Indian Ethnic Beige Gold Indo Western Outfit Jodhpuri Achkan Etsy