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Forward This option allows you to check the results of testing in order to avoid fitting to certain time intervals During forward testing the period set in the Date field is divided into two parts in accordance with the selected forward period (a half one third one fourth or a custom period when you specify the forward testings tart date) The first part is the period of back testing.
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A list of all currencies current and historicThe local name of the currency is used in this list with the adjectival form of the country or region.
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Mata uangKode singkatan negara di dunia Posted on Oktober 30 2016 September 28 2019 Author Edison Sutan Kayo 4 Comments Kode singkatan negara di dunia mengacu pada ISO 3166 yaitu standarisasi yang diterbitkan oleh Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi (International Standard Organization) yang mendefinisikan kode untuk namanama negara.
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100+ Negara Termiskin di Dunia Versi World Bank dan IMF