Jelutung. Jelutung terdiri dari berbagai jenis yaitu Dyera costulata (jelutung bukit) Dyera polyhilia (jelutung yang tumbuh di payapaya) dan Dyera lowii Pohon ini dapat dijumpai di hutan alam Sumatera dan Kalimantan tumbuh secara sporadis di hutan dataran rendah dan hutan dataran tinggi dengan ketinggian antara 300400 m dpl.
Location Of Tanjung Jabung Barat District Jambi Province Sumatra Download Scientific Diagram from
Jelutong is a suburb of George Town in Penang Malaysia Located south of the Pinang River Jelutong has been inhabited since as early as the late 18th century when traders from Aceh and India settled around the area It was once notorious as a turf for gangsters and triads until the 1980s when urbanisation transformed the area into a Postal code 116KDistrict Country State.
Makalah Jelutung Pendahuluan, Isi, dan Kesimpulan PaneHutan
Jelutong Tree Size 100200 ft (3060 m) tall 56 ft (1518 m) trunk diameter Shrinkage Radial 23% Tangential 55% Volumetric 62% T/R Ratio 24 Color/Appearance Heartwood color initially almost white darkening to a yellowish brown color with age Sapwood isn’t clearly distinguished from heartwood.
Jelutong, Penang Wikipedia
Jelutung atau jelutong ( Dyera costulata syn D laxiflora) adalah spesies pohon dari subfamilia oleander Pohon ini dapat tumbuh hingga 60 meter dengan diameter sebesar 2 meter Pohon ini tumbuh di semenanjung Malaysia Kalimantan Sumatra dan bagian selatan Thailand (tanpa takson) Kerajaan Famili Ordo.
Jelutungcom Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Provinsi Jambi Sudirman mengatakan Pemerintah Provinsi Jambi akan mempelajari dan mengkaji ulang c.
Location Of Tanjung Jabung Barat District Jambi Province Sumatra Download Scientific Diagram
Lumber Identification (Hardwood) Jelutong The Wood Database
Jelutung Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Jelutong – Cook Woods
Jelutong is a fine straight grained low density wood that is exceptionally suited for easy carving and turning while allowing fine details to be cut into it This excellent wood can be easily turned glued stained and finished Jelutong is a large tree that can reach heights of 200 feet and up to 6 in diameter.