Familia. Familia Latin designation of the family taxonomic rank Familia a classical Roman household with a Pater familias Familia historical designation for a Medieval household Familia (political party) a Polish political party FAMILIA (lay apostolate) Familia the word for Family in several languages and often used to identify individual families.

Familia was the name of a Polish political party led by the Czartoryski magnates and families allied with them and formed toward the end of the reign of King August II.
Familia (SpiderMan: Into the SpiderVerse) YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupFamilia (SpiderMan Into the SpiderVerse) Nicki Minaj Anuel AA BantuSpiderMan Into the SpiderVerse℗ 20.
LA FAMIGLIA, Toronto East York Restaurant Reviews
familia ( fah mee lyah ) feminine noun 1 (relatives) a family Me voy de vacaciones con mi familiaI’m going on vacation with my family 2 (offspring) a family ¿Ya han pensado en tener familia?Have you thought about starting a family yet? b children De momento no quieren tener familiaFor the time being they don’t want to have children.
Família Wikipedia
Familia Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster familia noun Save Word fa mil ia | \ fəˈmilēə lyə \ plural familiae \ lēˌē lēˌī \ Definition of familia 1 Roman law the paterfamilias his legitimate descendants and their wives and all persons adopted into his family and their wives — compare potestas 2 old English law.
Familia Politica Por Que Puede Fallar La Relacion
Familia Wikipedia
Familial Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
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