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Buddhism and Hinduism Wikipedia
Dharma can refer generally to religious duty and also mean social order right conduct or simply virtue Buddha The Hindu texts mostly mentions the devas in Kamma Loka Only the Hindu god Brahma can be found in the Rupa loka There are many realms above Brahma realm that are accessible through meditation Those in Brahma realm are also subject to rebirth according to.
Induismo Wikipedia
Dharma le norme religiose Lo stesso argomento in Dal punto di vista “verticale” la cosmografia purāṇica eredita quella upaniṣadica dei sette “regni” (loka) arricchendoli tuttavia di precisi contenuti La serie dei sette “regni” procede con questa sequenza partendo dal basso Bhūrloka È il regno dove sono collocate le sette isole (dvipa) ma in questo regno sono collocati sotto.
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Righteousness Wikipedia
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Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba SAI DARSHAN
Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable It can be considered synonymous with “rightness” or being “upright” It can be found in Indian religions and Abrahamic traditions among other religions as a theological conceptFor example from various perspectives in Hinduism Buddhism Islam Christianity and Judaism it is considered an attribute that.